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7 Self-Care Tips During Your Period

7 Self-Care Tips During Your Period

Every month, women go through hormonal changes that cause them to feel pain, irritability, and weird cravings. With that discomfort comes bleeding that may last five days or more. Menstruation may be a hassle for some as it hinders them to be productive and accomplish tasks.

While periods are generally painful and uncomfortable, there are ways to relieve your discomfort while also pampering yourself. Here are seven self-care tips you can do before and during your period.

Take a Hot Shower or Bath

Hot water is used to soothe many pains and sores. It is also used to create warm drinks that relax and keep you calm. You can also use the soothing powers of hot water to relieve your pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS) and painful cramps.

As soon as you start cramping, you might want to reach for a heating pad or bottle to relieve your cramps. When your cramps are unbearable, a hot shower or bath might quickly reduce pains and discomfort. Plus, a warm bath may also help you sleep better and replenish your strength and energy.

Connect with the Moon

Your menstrual cycle is strongly related to the moon’s cycle. Becoming aware of how your period synchronizes with the lunar cycles may help you be more familiar with your hormonal changes. Communicating with the moon may help you realign with the universe, be more mindful of yourself, and channel your femininity. After all, self-care includes your outer and inner well-being.

There are tons of full moon rituals you can follow to synchronize your period with the lunar cycles. Search when the full moon most likely appears and schedule it as the start of your lunar ritual. Houses in Brentville International Community have large windows that allow their female residents to watch the full moon and complete their ritual while on their period.

Eat Healthy and Yummy

It is no surprise that cravings come with your PMS. Most of the time, you might crave junk food or sweets, or a combination of both. But because your periods might be uncomfortable and drain your energy, it is crucial to eat healthily. Doing so will help replenish your strength, energy, and the minerals you’ve lost. Some foods may also help relieve pain and any discomfort you have.

For example, steer away from caffeine-rich drinks such as coffee, black tea, and cola. Instead, reach for chamomile and peppermint tea to soothe your cramps and relieve bloating. Rehydrate with lots of water and natural fruit juices or smoothies. You’ll get the necessary vitamins and minerals to keep you healthy and glowing amidst the pain.

Boost Your Iron Intake

Bleeding non-stop for more or less than five days will make you lose a lot of iron. As a result, you might feel more tired, lethargic, or sleepy. Boosting your iron intake will help recharge your energy and help relieve cramps.

Take iron-rich foods such as beef, tomatoes, dried seaweed, pumpkin seeds, lentils, and oatmeal to boost your iron stores. Food supplements packed with magnesium and zinc may also help supply more iron, especially for women who are anemic.

Use Soothing Sounds and Essential Oils

Soothing sounds and essential oils might also help in making you feel better during your red days. Choose white noise such as rustling leaves, singing birds, ocean waves crashing on the shore, or rain falling on a tin roof to help you sleep better when your cramps, headaches, and nausea are at their worst. Rub some essential oils on the painful parts to comfort you and help you sleep better.

Get Enough Sleep

Speaking of sleep, make sure you are well-rested during your period. Because you will be experiencing discomfort, getting seven up to nine hours of sleep will improve your mood and recharge your energy. Getting enough sleep will also give you the strength to help overcome your pain and accomplish your daily tasks.

Stay Active

During your period, you may feel restless and tired. But that doesn’t mean you have to stop working out and staying active. A little bit of exercise may help relieve your cramps, back pains, and breast soreness. Doing some yoga poses may help release tension and stress and diminish your bloating and period pains. Staying active will keep you from feeling lethargic all the time and be more energetic in your daily activities.

PMS and being on your period are uncomfortable experiences. Still, they are a part of your femininity and life as a female individual. Following these seven self-care tips may help you embrace your periods and look after your wellbeing.

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