If you can only work out with your hair in a ponytail or messy bun, you aren’t alone. Getting your hair off your face is essential so you can focus on your workout and not be bothered by your hair.

If you’ve ever worked out with a ponytail in only to find it falling in your face or the hair tie slipping down your back, you know how frustrating it can be. Suddenly your hair is in the way and then your workout isn’t as effective as it could have been.

That’s why it’s time for workout hair ties or hair ties that keep your hair in place and don’t mess up your workout. The right hair ties hold your hair in place and don’t let it move. Here’s how it works.

Workout Hair Ties Hold your Hair in Place

First, no crease hair ties are much stronger than regular hair ties, but you won’t feel it. If you’ve ever put your hair in a ponytail and pulled tight to make sure it doesn’t fall out, you know the pain. Regular hair ties pull so tight, but it only lasts for a few minutes. Before you know it, your hair is falling down your back again.

Spiral hair ties hold your hair in place tightly without the pain. You don’t have to feel your head and eyes are being pulled back to keep your hair in place. The spiral hair ties hold your hair strongly without causing pain.

No Crease Hair Ties go Back to Their Shape

If you pull your hair tight or wrap the hair tie around your hair multiple times, you stretch it out. After a few times, what happens? The hair tie is useless and you either keep it for nighttime hair or throw it away.

That’s not effective or a good use of your money.

No crease hair ties, though, go right back to their shape. When you take them out of your hair, they usually fall back into their shape right away. If they don’t, run them under warm water or a warm blow-dryer for a few minutes and they’ll easily fall back into their original shape.

Spiral Hair Ties don’t Crease

This is a huge deal when you’re working out, especially if it’s in the middle of the day or right before you head into the office. Unless you take a shower and wash your hair, you’ll have a lovely crease in your hair where the ponytail was and that’s not an attractive look.

Spiral hair ties don’t cause this issue. You can wear your hair in a ponytail for a few hours and take it out with no one knowing you had your hair in a ponytail. It’s the perfect answer to a workout ponytail because otherwise you’re stuck with either a crease in your hair or a ponytail all day long.

You Don’t Have to Replace them as Often

Fortunately, it’s easier to keep track of no crease hair ties because they’re bigger (easier to spot) and they look great on your wrist. If you slip one out of your hair, you can slip it right on your wrist and it will look right at home with your other accessories.

Because they don’t stretch, they also last longer which saves you money in the long run. Buy a pack of coil hair ties and you shouldn’t have to replace them for a long time. If you buy a pack of regular hair ties, you’ll probably go through them in a few weeks, finding yourself at the store buying them all over again.

Get the Right Hair Ties to Work Out In

Before you work out, get the right hair ties. They can make or break your workout routine. When your hair tie keeps your hair in place and doesn’t cause pain, you’ll have a better workout than you would if you had to fuss with your hair every few minutes.

Find the right hair tie to work out in and watch how much better you feel about working out. Plus, your head and eyes will feel better because you won’t have to pull your hair so tight. It’s worth the switch!