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Beauty Tips That Will Make You Look Like A Celebrity

A Celebrity

We all are living in a world where almost all of us are encouraged to accept ourselves the way we are, but in reality, deep down all of us want to be perfect. Now that perfect is different for every individual. For some of us perfect means being curvy, for some, it’s being thin. For some it’s a particular hair color, it’s a particular skin tone whereas, for a lot of us it’s a particular famous individual which in today’s lingos we call a celebrity.

There are a lot of ways in which people follow these celebrities. Some of us dress like them and buy the same clothes that they endorse or wear. Some of us follow their work and support the causes they work for, while a lot of us try to look like them by doing the type of makeup they do. This emerging trend of admiration or in other words followers has helped a lot of people gain celebrity status in a very short period and have also helped many business industries. One of the business industries that has gotten a great boost is the make-up industry. The new trend of cruelty-free makeup has helped a lot of new makeup brands to expand.

Makeup has become an essential part of every girl now but every girl wants to have her hair and make-up in a particular way. Some of us want to keep it dewy while others want to keep it matte, it all depends on what celebrity you like and follow.

Following are some basic tips which can lead you to achieve a flawless finish to your makeup just like celebrities:

Moisturize Your Skin

The most important step is to apply a moisturizer before starting your make. Moisturizer helps your skin to hydrate which helps your skin look healthy and fresh. You should apply the moisturizer as per your skin type. For example, for extremely dry skin this tip works like magic but not so for oily skin. It will help your makeup stay put for a longer time and will make sure that your foundation doesn’t cake up.

Buy An Appropriate Primer

Primer of good quality will help you to make your skin look smoother. It will close all your pores but doesn’t clog them. So, It will help your foundation settle on your skin. There are many types of primers available to choose from. But one should always choose a primer appropriately. The primer should go with your skin type otherwise it will make no difference, so when buying a primer make sure you have done your research.

Color Correction Of Skin

Color correction is one of the newest trends in makeup. This technique helps you hide all sorts of discoloration that you may have on your face or skin. There are a lot of colors used in this technique and each color helps to hide a certain type of discoloration or scar. Orange color correctors are used to hiding dark circles and spots, green color correctors neutralize the redness on your skin, purple color correctors help to cover the dull yellow spots while Yellow color correctors help to neutralize undertones.

Use Concealers

Concealers, as the word indicates, helps us to conceal our skin. There are a lot of options available in the market for concealers. When choosing a concealer to make sure that you pick one that is brighter than your skin tone. It will help the concealer to settle better and will adjust with your skin accordingly.

Use A Setting Spray

Setting sprays are one of the most underrated make-up elements. Setting sprays are used after the makeup. They give a very nice and soft finish to your makeup. There are a lot of setting sprays available in the market. Some of them give a dewy look to your makeup while others provide a matte finish, it depends on what sort of finish you want to have.


The above-mentioned tips are the perfect way to get a flawless makeup look. But more importantly, you can achieve it by simply starting with flawless skin. Apart from investing in our makeup products we all should also invest in our skincare products, which will help our skin to look good all the time.

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