When it comes to selecting a diamond, understanding the nuances between different grades can make all the difference. One of the most crucial aspects to consider is the diamond cut good vs very good. But what does it really mean to choose between a “good” cut and a “very good” cut? How does this choice affect the diamond’s brilliance, value, and overall appearance? Let’s delve into these questions to uncover the key differences and help you make an informed decision.

Understanding Diamond Cut

The diamond cut is not about the shape (like round, oval, or princess) but about how well the diamond’s facets interact with light. The cut affects three primary attributes:

  • Brilliance: The brightness created by the combination of all the white light reflections from the surface and the inside of a polished diamond.
  • Fire: The dispersion of light into various colors.
  • Scintillation: The pattern of light and dark areas caused by reflections within the diamond.

The Grading Scale

The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) grades diamond cut on a scale from Excellent to Poor. Here, we focus on two specific grades: Good and Very Good.

What Defines a “Good” Cut?

A diamond with a “Good” cut grade reflects most of the light that enters it, creating considerable brilliance and sparkle. These diamonds are typically more affordable than higher-graded diamonds, making them a practical choice for those on a budget. However, there are some compromises:

  • Brilliance and Fire: While still attractive, a Good cut diamond may lack the intense sparkle and fire seen in higher grades.
  • Proportions: The proportions may not be as precise, affecting the overall symmetry and polish.
  • Market Value: Generally lower in price, reflecting the reduced brilliance.

Advantages of a Good Cut:

  • Cost-Effective: Ideal for buyers looking for a balance between appearance and budget.
  • Availability: More widely available than higher-grade cuts.

Drawbacks of a Good Cut:

  • Less Sparkle: May not exhibit the same level of brilliance and fire.
  • Perceived Quality: Can appear less dazzling compared to higher grades.

What Defines a “Very Good” Cut?

A “Very Good” cut diamond reflects almost as much light as an Excellent cut, delivering impressive brilliance and sparkle. These diamonds are finely crafted with excellent proportions and symmetry, making them visually striking.

  • Brilliance and Fire: High levels of both, though slightly less than an Excellent cut.
  • Proportions: Well-proportioned with minor deviations that are not noticeable without magnification.
  • Market Value: Higher than Good cut diamonds, but often more affordable than Excellent cut diamonds.

Advantages of a Very Good Cut:

  • High Brilliance: Offers significant sparkle and fire, enhancing the diamond’s appearance.
  • Investment Value: Often seen as a better investment due to its superior cut quality.
  • Appeal: Strikes a balance between cost and exceptional quality.

Drawbacks of a Very Good Cut:

  • Higher Cost: More expensive than Good cut diamonds.
  • Availability: Less common than Good cut diamonds, potentially limiting choices.

Making the Choice: Good vs. Very Good

Choosing between a Good and Very Good cut depends on your priorities. Are you looking for the most sparkle within a specific budget lab made diamonds, or are you willing to invest more for that extra brilliance?

  • Budget Considerations: If budget constraints are significant, a Good cut can provide a beautiful diamond at a lower price.
  • Visual Appeal: For those who prioritize brilliance and visual impact, a Very Good cut offers a superior sparkle.
  • Long-Term Value: Consider the resale value and how long you plan to keep the diamond. A Very Good cut might hold its value better over time.


In the end, both Good and Very Good cuts have their merits. The decision largely depends on personal preferences, budget, and the importance placed on the diamond’s brilliance and fire. By understanding these differences, you can make an informed choice that aligns with your needs and desires.

So, which will it be for you? A good cut diamond that balances beauty and budget, or a very good cut diamond that offers exceptional brilliance and investment potential? Your perfect diamond is out there, waiting to reflect your unique sparkle.