Pregnancy can pave way for a host of digestive issues in the form of indigestion, constipation etc. You need to be aware on what the side effects are and what can be done to prevent them. Trust me all these issues are fun as part of the pregnancy digestive system. Let us illustrate some of the common issues that springs up when you are pregnant


The digestive problems during pregnancy start off with digestion. This is a condition that is universally present in pregnant woman for a valid number of reasons.

  • The presence of a higher level of hormones, when pregnant goes on to relax the bowels and makes it difficult to work in an efficient manner
  • The uterus is at a growing phase and puts pressure on the bowel movements disrupting the normal functions.
  • In your vitamin supplement, iron makes the stool dry and difficult to pass

Considering the fact that constipation is common during pregnancy means there is no hard and fast rule that you need to accept it. There are a lot of things that can be done in order to keep constipation at bay

  • Increase the intake of fluids- Juice along with water softens the stool and ensures the digested waste passes through the bowel
  • Consumption of fibre rich foods- there are certain type of foods that makes your stool soft and ensure that it passes through the bowel. The list of foods are part of the nutritious ones during pregnancy and they are part of a healthy diet that includes fruits , vegetables or even legumes.
  • Restrict your intake of sugary foods as they seem to be binding.

The moment you are constipated do not opt for a laxative. Not only it is going to wash off the essential nutrients from the body, but it can be harmful for the baby. Do discuss with your doctor about any medicines for constipation.


During bowel movement stretching could force the stool to become hard and is known as haemorrhoids. In medical terms they are known by the name of piles.

After a bowel movement when you see blood on your tissue ask your doctor so that they check you for haemorrhoids. This could be not that embarrassing, but the doctor would be a person who might have not seen that before. In case if you are pregnant, this disorder is going to become all the more worse during the pushing phase of pregnancy. To a certain degree digestive system medicine would be of help. If proper care is taken of them they are expected to disappear on its own after delivery

  • Keep away from constipation- by following the above tips you can keep the stool smooth as it moves easily through the bowel.
  • During the course of bowel movements try not to stain
  • Try to put up your feet in a small stool to make the bowel movements easy during pregnancy

Once you are really bothered about this disorder it is high time you end up taking some action.