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Five Reasons to Encourage Kids to Do Crafts

Five Reasons to Encourage Kids to Do Crafts

With so much technology these days, children are doing less with their hands. While learning how to use technology is imperative in the modern world, it’s also very important for kids to do other things. Not only will working with their hands help them learn in a different way, they will get to explore their options for careers, hobbies, and passions. One thing that every kid should take part in is crafts. Crafts allow them to express themselves and work towards something. Here are five reasons that you should encourage your kids to do crafts.

Stay Off Devices

One of the biggest problems today is addiction to devices. Now that children are using phones and tablets from the time they are born, it can be quite addictive. They can use devices to comfort themselves and stay entertained, but too much of it will inevitably distort their view of the world. When you have your kids do crafts, you will decrease the amount of screen time and get them thinking about other things while they work with their hands.

Stop Nail Biting

Is your child fidgety? Can they not sit still? Maybe they are biting their nails. You can use nail biting polish that tastes bitter and discourages them from biting, and you can also keep them busy with their hands. Working on crafts with their hands prohibits them from biting their nails or doing other bad habits with their hands. While you might not think that nail biting is a big deal, it actually negatively contributes to the child’s development. It can lead to emotional, social, and physical consequences. Crafts are a good way to keep their hands and minds busy.

Get the Creative Juices Flowing

Even if your child doesn’t take to crafts right away, it could still be a way for them to start being creative. It will open up their minds to creative ideas. Maybe they’ll end up wanting to play music, or take up drawing, or become interested in film or poetry. Whatever it is that your child gets interested in, getting the creative juices flowing is a good reason to start them on some crafts. There are plenty of online classes for creative crafting that just may open up your child’s mind. If you don’t get them started in some way, they may never find their creativity.

Improve Motor Skills

Working with your hands is a great way to improve motor skills. Every child needs to develop skills with their hands. Getting them started in any way possible will enable them to learn about what they can do with their hands. They will fail sometimes but then they will develop the skills of working with their hands. This is all especially true if the child struggles with a motor skill deficiency like cerebral palsy.

Teaches them Problem Solving & Social Skills

Working on crafts will bring up problem solving that the child may have not experienced yet. This is especially the case when working with a group. If they are working on a craft with others, they will learn how to properly and politely socialize. They will learn how to work together to accomplish something. When faced with a problem, they will begin reasoning to solve it. All of these skills and more can be taught when kids work on crafts.

However you view it, encouraging your kids to do crafts is a great way to spend their time. They will learn how to problem solve and work with others. Their motor skills will be improved. It will get their creativity flowing. They will do bad habits like nail biting less and they will spend less time on devices. Your kids should use their hands and find out that they can do a lot of things they didn’t know they would be able to do.

There is really no downside to your kids doing crafts. They will spend more time doing something productive and less time on their phones. Instead they will be creative, learn how to problem-solve, and work with others. If your child is a bit aimless, encourage them to do crafts. You won’t regret getting them involved with something productive.

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