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How To Have A Fabulous And Memorable Prom Night In 2021

How To Have A Fabulous And Memorable Prom Night In 2021

Aside from graduation, prom night is the quintessential moment in high school, a culmination of experiences and a moment meant to be celebrated with grandeur. Much preparation goes into planning for prom, from the adults in charge of setting up the event to the student attendees. You are gearing up for the big day, and you want to have a fabulous and memorable prom night in 2021.

Decide How You Want To Attend

Everyone plans prom differently, but there are certain mainstays that make for a good time. Some rent limos and party buses, and others drive their dates, have an adult chauffeur, or count on rideshare services. Guys rent a tux and girls either rent or purchase prom dresses. Do not forget the corsage!

Are you going to bring a date, go with friends or show up solo? Showing up solo is going to find you mingling soon enough, but proms are about parties. If you decide not to attend prom with a partner, it is a more common choice than you think; however, it is advisable to attend prom with a group of friends. Doing so makes for more fun and also promotes strength in numbers.

Keep It Comfortable

Prom is a celebration, and everyone is dressed up. While you want to look your best, it is advisable not to do anything that is out of the ordinary for you. A good example of this is trying new makeup, especially if you have sensitive skin. You want to be comfortable while in attendance, as this is going to help you have a much more memorable night.

In order to be comfortable throughout the night, you are going to want to eat and drink plenty of water before attending prom, too. You will have made dinner reservations, and you are going to enjoy that special occasion; however, going to prom on an empty stomach is not ideal. There are processes to this social function, restaurants may have wait times, and you want a little sustenance before you go have fun on the dance floor.

Take Plenty Of Pictures

There is going to be a station set up at your high school prom for picture taking. These professional pictures are great and capture the moment; however, prom night is much more than one pose. Be sure you take plenty of pictures throughout the night to commemorate the occasion. Some pictures are going to turn out better than others.

Prom is a momentous event during high school, and these types of memories are best documented by taking plenty of pictures. People are going to be posting to social media throughout the night. Who knows, you might end up having the pic of the party on your hands.

Do Not Drink And Drive

This rule of thumb goes without saying, but it must be reiterated. Quite a few youths under 21 die each day from simply drinking alcohol, and that doesn’t even count the drinking and driving motor vehicle accidents. It is a tragedy that drinking parties are so closely associated with high school proms.

Prom is a time in people’s lives when they should not even be thinking about consuming alcoholic beverages. Do yourself a favor and avoid invitations that relate to alcohol-fueled parties. Stay out of trouble and have a fun, social, and entertaining night full of good times, great music, and tasty food.

Break-In Those Shoes

It isn’t every day that you put on a pair of dress shoes, right? In fact, you might have even purchased your pair of shoes specifically for prom. Break-in those shoes before attending prom. This ensures that they are a more comfortable fit for you throughout the night.

You want to be able to tear up the dance floor. Additionally, this is the perfect time to make a statement, especially for the guys. Women often opt for picking out their favorite dress and favorite pair of shoes. Men, on the other hand, have a chance here to make a unique statement. One way you can do so is by donning a pair of goofy socks.

All Ducks In A Row

You are making dinner reservations, booking transportation, securing prom outfits, etc. You want to be sure all your ducks are in a row. Forgetting one piece of the puzzle or failing to verify scheduling and booking confirmations can be disastrous.

Revisit your prom plans as you near completion. This ensures that you have covered all your bases and are ready for your big night. Speaking of the big night, are there any other preparations you need to make?

The Prommergency Kit

The prommergency kit is a novel idea that helps you in the event of unexpected circumstances. Double-sided tape and a Tide To-Go stick are two items you might want to include in that kit. Make sure you have an extra cell phone charger on your person, too. The last thing you want to happen is to be at prom with a dead phone. Say goodbye to Snapchat.

The Aftermath

After enjoying prom, you are going to have all of those precious memories. Think about all the pictures you took that night. What would you like to do with them? You have posted some to social media, and you have saved them to your phone. Would you like to print any of the pictures? Perhaps you could even design a scrapbook of prom memories.

Prom brings seniors and other students together to celebrate the year’s memories and all the memories to come. Graduation is up ahead, and you want to remember prom night for the rest of your life. You can think about graduation soon enough, but right now it is time to plan for prom.

How far along are you with your plans? Prom night is fast approaching, and you want to have the time of your life. Be sure to think about any extracurricular activities you might want to engage in outside of the actual event. And always remember, be safe out there!

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