If you’re obsessed with makeup, you probably own a ton of products that keep piling up. This is a totally normal thing for all of us makeup lovers. We can’t just stop buying makeup and use what we have, because there are so many new product launches in the beauty industry. Naturally, we’re curious to try out and test new makeup – truth be told, we don’t actually need nor use all of it. Sometimes, we buy it just because we like the packaging or we simply want to support the brand. Some may say this is hoarding, but if you love makeup, you’ll surely disagree. It’s a hobby, a passion, and a way to express our creativity!


Anyways, this passion for makeup can often cause a huge mess in our homes. And when you have too many products piled up in one place, the best thing to do is organize them.

Organizing your stash is always a good idea – it will help you find that one specific product you need while creating your look in a second, your place will look neat and you’ll get to use more of the makeup you often forget about.

How to do it? Read on to discover some makeup organizing tips!


Say Goodbye to Expired Makeup

Although this is supposed to be a very usual thing to do, a lot of people don’t do it and keep using expired makeup. Yes, even makeup products have expiry dates and if you keep them for too long, they will likely get gross and unusable. Even if your product seems fine, you should never use expired makeup – it’s unsanitary, bad for your health and of course – takes up a lot of your space. So, the first step to an organized makeup station is throwing away all of your old, expired products.


After throwing away all of the makeup you can’t use, it’s time to declutter and get rid of everything you don’t like using, even if it’s not expired. We all have products that we’ve tried once and never used again because they just don’t work for us. How many of these product fails do you have lying around? Imagine how much space you’ll get once you throw them all away. Mismatched foundations, chalky eyeshadows, ripped beauty sponges…Everything you haven’t reached for in a year has to go!


Use Clear Acrylic Boxes

If you like to keep makeup storage boxes on your vanity, it’s best to use ones that are see-through. Clear acrylic boxes are the perfect choice because you’ll be able to actually see all of your products and easily grab what you need for your everyday makeup look.

The Swatch Chart

While we’re at actually seeing what you own, let’s take a step further and use The Swatch Chart! This lipstick poster is the most genius invention in a while – it’s created to help you visually organize your lipstick collection as well as decorate your beauty room. All you need to do is swatch your lipsticks on the canvas and write the shade name and brand on the blank lines below. This way you’ll get to see all of your lipstick shades and decide which color to wear with just a look! Also, you’ll get a good use of your products since you won’t be losing your lipsticks in the back of your drawers anymore. How cool is that? You can get this awesome lipstick chart at GlowGurl.co.


Organize by Categories

If you have a drawer set this should be super easy – if not, get one asap! The Ikea Alex drawers are probably the most popular among makeup lovers and this is because they have the perfect size for storing makeup, they have a simple look and most importantly – they’re very affordable. Once you have your drawers ready, start storing by categories: eyeshadow palettes, highlighters, lipsticks, foundations, beauty tools, etc. Label each drawer with a sticker so you know exactly which one to reach when looking for a specific product.


Add Dividers

Divide and conquer! Dividers are so helpful for organizing literally anything. Once you set them up, your drawers won’t get messy and your products will be neatly placed and organized. These are very easy to find online and won’t cost you much, so definitely pick up a few!


Once you do these steps, we guarantee that your space will be unrecognizable! You gotta admit, cleaning and organizing your makeup stash is so refreshing. When you get rid of all the clutter and your products are neatly placed, you’ll feel much more inspired to do your makeup. It’s totally worth it, so why not do it right now?