Kittens are adorable – they’re playful and intelligent and make wonderful pets. When you bring them into your home, one of the first things you’ll need to do is to teach them how to use a litter box. Thankfully, most kittens are extremely quick learners, but if you want to make sure that their toilet training goes smoothly, follow our top tips and tricks.

Choose the Correct Litter Box

There are lots of different litter boxes on the market from basic plastic boxes to automatic versions. However, we suggest that you start with a basic box that your kitten can walk into. The box should be large enough for them to move around and its walls should be relatively low so that it’s easy for them to climb in when they get the urge. It’s best to avoid boxes with covers, doors or steps at this stage. Bear in mind that you may need to buy a larger box as your kitten grows.

Choose High-Quality Litter

Not all cat litters are created equal so don’t just opt for the cheapest variety. There are several options available including eco-friendly natural litters which produce minimum dust and clay litters which form clumps when wet to crystal litter which will lock in moisture and odours. If your kitten came from a breeder, ask them which type of litter they used.

Find the Right Location for the Box

Just like humans, kittens like privacy when they do their business. Therefore, it’s best to locate the box in a quiet place out of the way of household traffic. Don’t place it near their food and water bowls!

Control Their Space

One way to ensure that your kitten gets used to its new home quickly is to control its space. If you have one, the laundry is the ideal room for your new kitty so it can be close to its litter box.

Reinforce Good Behaviour

To encourage kittens to learn new behaviour you need to help them to develop habits. One way to reinforce the use of the litter box is to place your kitten in it as soon as they wake up. You’ll also want to put them in their box after eating and drinking and after playtime.

A few words of encouragement from you will help and always praise them when they use the tray. Never raise your voice to them or punish them if they have an accident. They’ll become fearful of you and seek out safer places to relieve themselves. If you do see your kitten squatting, pick them up and take them to the box. Then give them lots of praise.

Things to Keep in Mind

Remember that cats like to be clean, so keep their box fresh by removing wet clumps and replacing litter as it gets soiled. Your cat is more likely to seek out alternative places to relieve themselves if the litter is dirty.

You’ll also need to clean up any accident promptly as cat urine has a very distinctive odour. If you don’t know what to clean with, we recommend using an enzymatic pet urine remover to get the best results.

The Bottom Line!

Patience and consistency is key to successful toilet training for kittens. By developing routines and giving lots of praise your kitten will soon adapt to using a litter tray.