Fashion accessories are the staples that we need to oomph up our look. Go to and harness the full power of your zodiac by using fashion accessories according to your zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The fiery ram is all about boldness and possess a proclivity for passion and fun. They would be a catty pair of sunglasses that harnesses the power to never let the party end. The Ram has a penchant for being fierce and independent and this quality of them transcends into a catty pair of sunglasses pretty well.

Taurus  (April 20 – May 20)

The earthy Taurus has an eye for luxuriousness and beauty. Their Venusian nature propels them towards beautiful and indulgent fashion staple items such as a designer handbag that adds the extra classiness to their chic style. A designer handbag is usually a rare item piece- almost like an objet d’art and can be excellent investments.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

The dual Gemini is warm and compassionate. They are a pair of statement earrings that symbolizes their need of double of everything in life- be it drama, romance or fun.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Emotional Cancerians are an intuitive bunch and yet loyal as much as a striped tee. This tee shirt signifies their need to get along with everyone and being a stand-out staple that can go well anywhere and with everything.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

The sunny lions never want the party to stop and just like a shimmering, bold eye glitter they love to command attention and be the life of the party. Their need to be the focal point of everyone’s conversation stems from the boldness they emit and shine bright like the sun in a room full of people.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Perfectionists Virgins are grounded because of their earthy nature. This combined nature with their dependability makes them a crisp shirt pressed to perfection. This makes them more confident and quite the practical person they are.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Diplomatic Librans are represented by scales. They strive for balance throughout their lives and this makes them a dependable little black dress. Perfect for every occasion and with a touch of classiness, this an item is a must have in everyone’s closet just like a Libran friend in their lives. A little black dress is such a fashion piece that exudes sophistication, sexiness and fits into every event – like a long lost puzzle piece that completes the entire picture-just like a Libra.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Bold Scorpions are the bad boys and girls of the zodiac. They love to portray their nature of taking risks and be mysterious – just like a leather motorcycle jacket. Even though people don’t trust you, they will absolutely remember the interesting ride you took them on.

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Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

The bold and independent Sagittarians love to express their love for adventure by making a bold statement. They are like a septum piercing- unique, brave and unforgettable. Their need to be noticed and leave a mark in the shifty sands of time also plays a huge role in making them a part of a tale that’s told over and over again and reminisced after they are long gone.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

The ambitious and hardworking goat is very practical and fiscally responsible. They are as straightforward and realistic as a blazer. The blazer also exudes the sense of discipline and business-mindedness. Capricorn loves to climb the ladder and struggle in life to be on top.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

The ethereal idealistic Aquarians are floral crowns. Their love for nature and its conservation goes hand in hand with their philanthropic characteristics. Their love for wisdom and knowledge assembled with their dreamy nature makes their heads the perfect place for a floral crown. Their love for Mother nature and struggle to make their dreams and ideals come true in a world full of adversity and harsh hues makes them the perfect candidate for a crown made of flowers.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

The ideal dual nature of a pair of fishes makes them a pair of sandals. Adaptable and intuitive and idealistic, these individuals form excellent support systems for people in trouble or need. Just like a pair of sandals on a beach they provide support and protect the feet from damage by taking on the heat themselves. This speaks volumes for their self -sacrificing nature.